About me

My name is Mohammad Abbasi. I'm a bachelor of Computer and Autonomous Systems Engineering student at the University of Wollongong in Dubai, passionate about using technology to shape the future. With a strong foundation in computer science, electronics, and engineering, I'm on a mission to tackle complex challenges and create a smarter , more connected world.

As a computer engineer, I design, develop, and optimize electronic systems and components, such as microprocessors and embedded systems. My work involves creating innovative solutions for various applications, ensuring the efficient functioning of electronic devices, and contributing to technological advancements in fields like telecommunications, consumer electronics, and beyond.

For more updated information, consider checking my Linkedin profile

What i'm doing

  • design icon

    System Design

    Design and develop electronic circuits and systems.

  • mobile app icon

    Innovative Solution Creation

    Create cutting-edge solutions for electronic devices, contributing to advancements in technology across various industries.

  • Web development icon

    System Optimization

    Optimize the performance of microprocessors and embedded systems

  • camera icon

    Technological Advancement

    Contribute to technological advancements in fields like telecommunications and consumer electronics.



  1. GearShift AutoCare - Infrastructure & Automotive Engineer

    Dec 2023 - Feb 2024

    During the company's startup phase, I played a pivotal role by designing the entire IT infrastructure and delivering comprehensive IT and cloud solutions.
    - Designed and implemented the computer and network infrastructure for the company during its inception
    - Managed and maintained the company's network and cloud solutions
    - Developed and launched the company's website
    - Performed automotive programming and diagnostics to ensure optimal vehicle performance

  2. University of Wollongong in Dubai - Intern

    Dec 2023 - Feb 2024

    - Developed skills in microcontroller programming for various applications.
    - Implemented ROS (Robot Operating System) for robotic projects, enhancing proficiency in robotics.
    - Contributed to the development and experimentation with a bionic quadruped robot.
    - Assisted in laboratory activities, gaining hands-on experience in experimental setups and procedures.
    - Provided support as a teaching assistant, facilitating learning and understanding of technical concepts among students.

  3. GIS Drones™ - Intern

    Jul 2023 — Sep 2023

    - Immersed in the dynamic world of drone technology and technical project management.
    - Developed hands-on expertise in Arduino programming and soldering.
    - Contributed to cutting-edge drone technology projects, designing and building components.
    - Efficiently managed project tasks in a fast-paced environment, ensuring timely deliverables.
    - Coordinated cross-functional teams to achieve project objectives.
    - Stayed abreast of industry trends and regulations, contributing to informed decision-making.

  4. GymWearDxb - Brand Manager

    Aug 2018 — Aug 2020

    I played a pivotal role in shaping the brand's identity and growth, spearheading key responsibilities including:
    - Designing captivating T-shirts that resonated with our audience.
    - Crafting and managing the brand's website to ensure a seamless online presence.
    - Driving engagement and growth through strategic management of social media platforms.
    - Generating compelling content to elevate brand storytelling and engagement.


  1. University of Wollongong in Dubai

    2021 — Ongoing

    Bachelor of Engineering - BE, Computer Engineering and autonomous systems

  2. New Academy School Dubai

    2016 - 2021

    Grades: 7-12

  3. Towheed Iranian School Dubai

    2008 — 2016

    Grades: KG1 - Grade 6

Volunteer Work

  1. University of Wollongong in Dubai

    2021 — Ongoing

    - Open day agent
    - Library introduction week volunteer
    - Orientation week volunteer
    - Lab Demonstrator

My skills

  • Arduino
  • Microcontrollers
  • C++
  • IT Operations
  • Matlab
  • Autodesk AutoCAD
  • Autodesk Tinkecad
  • Android Development
  • Website Development
  • Microsoft Office
  • Leadership
  • Analytical Skills
  • Problem Solving


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